せっかく技適の通ったRaspberry Pi Pico Wを接続してMicro Pythonをドラッグ&ドロップしてこれからコードかけるぞって時に何度やってもThonnyでRaspberry Pi Picoと指定するとpythonが落ちて強制終了になる。
前回エラー出てなかった時はApple シリコンのパソコンじゃなったかも?4.01のバージョンの時もM1やM2想定したインストールの書き込みがあるので関係ないか。。
Process: Python [41865]
4.0.2 is mainly a bug-fix release.
- Fix Mypy logging error in the Assistant, #2491 by @kr-g and @solsword
- Fix AttributeError on save, #2454
- Add Thonny version as environment value for user programs, #2494 by @kr-g
- Make
contain absolute path, #2497 - Start SSH preparation command with space to avoid adding it to shell history, #2563 by @isaacl
- Bump pipkin version to 1.0b8 and fix various bugs with MicroPython package installation, including not being able to update a package (#2555)
- Restore Find/Replace dialog close button and non-dialog behavior, #2461, #2550
- Make Find/Replace dialog non-modal again, #2550
- Fix Find/Replace seeding, #2356, #2550
- Restore focus after using file dialogs, #2501
- Don’t remove stacktrace links after closing the process, #2471
- Never clear shell when Stop/Restart is used for stopping a process, #2456
- Treat .toml, .gitignore and .env as text files
- Fix expression box glitch (lower frame box remaining visible) when debugging on macOS
- Ignore disk flushing errors in the end of UF2 installation
- Make port finding in the end of UF2 installation process more robust
- Don’t enable variant and version selection in UF2 dialog before variants get downloaded
- Add Vietnamese translation, by Bui Huy Quang
- Update several translations
- Fix the name for Slowenian, #2611
- Update several deps in Thonny + Python bundles (asttokens, mypy, pylint, esptool, paramiko)